33 comments on “Ice: The Overused Modality?

  1. Awesome post Josh… remember having this conversation way back in college with my modalities teacher. I am glad other people are starting to think the same way. I must admit I still use ice in acute situations on the field when there is no other option for pain control for a more severe injury. But when it comes to tendonopathies the research definitely points to cryotherapy as detrimental. Eccentric exercises and manual therapies such as friction massage are shown to be more efficient and effective. So I second your idea and say follow the research

      • i got patellar tendinosis (aka chronic case) and some patellar inflamation (apophysitis? or not? docs wont specify!) had mri and now im looking to rehab back to training somehow, as playing proffesional basketball is my dream… i did some physio to little avail btw, and some eccentrics that helped, but didn’t get me quite there after 3 months…. and this article goes 100% with my thinking about “rice” btw
        so, what is your opinion on shockwave therapy along with prp? how can i get rid of that bone inflamation that stems from this “jumper’s knee”? do i really need to do that first before i start rehab?
        help PLEASE, i’ve read A LOT about all this and still there is no definite answer… i saw you claim to have healed ALL 6 PATELLAR TENDINOSIS CASES, i’d really like your (online) help (i live in europe)

      • Thank you for the question. If you wish to contact me for online training please send an email to JoshStoneATC@gmail.com.

        While shockwave treatment is commonly prescribed it does not have a lot of support in literature. I just don’t see the huge benefit. PRP on the other hand does have better results in studies. However in my Clinical experience I have not seen great success.

        The best evidence is the use of eccentric strengthening protocol to help repair tendinopathy. The positive outcomes is really high. Personally, this has been my greatest mode of treatment as well.

        Perform a Google search for eccentric exercise program for patellar tendinopathy. You’ll get a lot of Good things to read.


  2. As an ATC with my MS in Kinesiology and published work, I find your study lacking in many areas. I am professor of A & P and I find your knowledge in modalities frigthening. I suggest going back and taking physiology again and some possible kinesiology and modalities courses. Ice and heat has never been the only treatment we as ATCs offer. Now if that is what you were taught you should have choosen a better program. My undergrad studies didn’t let us as students graduate with any of those questions, we knew why we do what we do on a physiological level. However I do agree that some ATCs have become lazy in their rehab mainly because they are probably hired by a clinic which then they are told to do minimal rehab and refer. Your case study needs a lot of work and the entire vilidity is weak. You cannot test athletes that have chronic issues against ice. The main indication of using ice is on acute injuries and if you didn’t know why upon graduating than you shouldn’t practice until you do. The concept of RICE seems to be lost with you and most ATCs. For most chronic injuries esp. in the younger population rest is indicated because of all year round sports, a body needs to have a reset period! After an acute injury their needs a rest period before you can begin rehab. Ice is the pain relief that isn’t pill form which is good considering how many athletes get addicted (ice won’t kill you!) And while they are icing that is rhe rest! These are basic physiologic principals. Good luck with your athletes but I will be using ice still appropriately in combination with rehab. For acute and some chronic injuries if warnented.

    Thank you.

    • Thank you for the feedback. First and foremost – this is a blog site –ergo an opinion that has been built upon my readings. Let me address your concerns. First, your words: “I find your study lacking in many areas… Your case study needs a lot of work and the entire vilidity is weak. You cannot test athletes that have chronic issues against ice.” As a professor who has published work (which I would love for you to share), you should understand what a case study is. A case study is a simple analysis of a person, or group. I did not perform a randomized control trial. I did not compare against a control. I am not setting P-Value to determine statistical significance. Therefore your statement of weak validity is not relevant. I was not seeking validity, reliability, or specificity / sensitivity. It is simply a case study – an experiment of my own clients in an uncontrolled setting.
      You find my knowledge of modalities and physiology frightening. Would you please share with me the statements I made that were inaccurate and frightening? I never said “Ice and heat has never been the only treatment we as ATCs offer.” I said, ice and modalities are overused, specifically on chronic injuries. I agree on ice with acute injury, but if you think Athletic Trainers do not ice chronic injuries then please observe any traditional athletic training facility at the end of practice. You will a majority of the athletes getting iced have chronic injuries.
      I agree, rest is important; we do need to cut back on year round training. That said, rest is also deleterious and does not stimulate repair. Rest alone does not heal, rest simply removes exacerbating activity.
      I do not disagree with you here: “After an acute injury their needs a rest period before you can begin rehab. Ice is the pain relief that isn’t pill form which is good considering how many athletes get addicted (ice won’t kill you!)”. Ironically, athletes are addicted to ice. I also agree with your final statement, ” I will be using ice still appropriately in combination with rehab.” I find this great, as this is the entire point of this blog.

      • Josh, first of all thank you for this site in general, and this article in particular. I remember when you visited our grad class at SJSU. You impressed me as being extremely knowledgeable regarding sports medicine, especially in the areas of cell biology and pathophysiology. This site only confirms those impressions. As for this article, you certainly raise many salient points regarding cryotherapy. As healthcare professionals, we should always be examining WHY we administer any treatment or modality. I know that I often get into ruts where I become very cookie-cutter in my protocols, so I appreciate a dissenting thought to shake me up a little.

        However, I also feel that a professional with your level of skill and intelligence should not have to resort to calling out a commenter for typos. That is a lazy way to debate someone online, especially from someone living in the glass house built with “image cars”, “derranged”, and “heard a great discussing”.

        Again, I think you raise very intriguing and somewhat controversial points, and will continue to follow your blog. I only ask that you respond to criticisms in the comments with the same logic you use in your posts.

      • Thanks Alex,

        I agree 100% with your comments and you are right, I should not go to that level regardless of the comment.

        Re: my typos – I have attempted to edit these typos (and others) several times. Some changes stick, some don’t. I have even contacted wordpress tech for assitance – apparently it is being resolved.

        I need to do a better job proof reading on the front end and I should create the docs in MS word rather than WP editor.

        Thank you!

  3. Josh, I can’t agree more. I have been fighting this battle with colleagues and athletes alike for quite a while. Do you have an email address? I’ve got an article that I wrote a couple of years ago that gives a discussion along these lines but with recovery for baseball pitchers. Think it might be an interesting read.

  4. Hello,

    I remember having you as one of my college professors and LOVED it ! This article was very interesting it also brought up a few great thoughts as I was reading to! I have had injuries such as with my knee in past years and it was frustrating when people would tell me to use ice and I was like guys really it doesn’t help it makes it feel worse. I was wondering if there was any more detail to back this thought up of mine? I really enjoy reading your blog posts on here and can’t wait to read the next one to come. You always have such GREAT articles to read.

    Thanks for the articles and keep blogging,
    Petra Bromley,
    AHFT Student at Bryan University-Online

  5. Keep up the good work Josh. What do you think about pitchers icing following an outing? Or the basketball player icing their knees in the fourth quarter / post game? We seem to see this on TV all the time. What would you say to a class of students who offer this opposition?

    • Thank you!

      If a student offers that opposition I would ask that person three questions. 1 – Why are you applying ice? 2 – Have you tried not icing and just rehab? 3 – Is the athlete improving by doing what you are doing?

      If they provide a good evidenced based rationale as to why they prefer to apply ice on that athlete and can say they have tried rehabiltiation without icing then I say go for it. All I ask the student is to think about it and try something outside the box.

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  7. Pingback: Kids and Distance Running | Athletic Medicine

  8. Pingback: Why Ice and Anti-inflammatory Medication is NOT the Answer | Athletic Medicine

  9. Good article. What is your opinion on ice baths, contrast therapy or cryotherapy for recovery from training / competing? The evidence would suggest there are beneficial effects from it

  10. Excuse me, when conducting sport competition, if the athlete suddenly has acute ankle sprain, but he must continue the competition, is it appropriate to use cold spray? or what can i do?

  11. Pingback: Catamount Trail Association | Cracking The Ice Dogma

  12. Pingback: Multivitamins: A Multibillion Dollar Waste of Money | Athletic Medicine

  13. Pingback: Ice is for Dead People – Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for Sports Injuries | Performance Acupuncture, LLC

  14. Pingback: RICE: The End of an Ice Age | Athletic Medicine

  15. Pingback: To Ice Or NOT To Ice | Must Know Tips | Professional Advice

  16. Pingback: Multivitamins: A Multibillion Dollar Waste of Money | Stone Athletic Medicine

  17. Pingback: Why Ice and Anti-inflammatory Medication is NOT the Answer | Stone Athletic Medicine

  18. Pingback: Physiology of Reversibility: If You Don’t Use It, You Lose It! | Stone Athletic Medicine

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