3 comments on “Three C’s to Successful Rehabilitation Outcomes

  1. And, you certainly have that alphabet soup; I’ve honestly never seen so many letters after someone’s name. What exactly is FNS anyway, it sounds like some rebellion from a breakaway Central American country. … You warned us against “…(letting) your head grow bigger…”. In the clinical massage universe, we are in the business of making people feel better, period. If we fail at that, we feel as if we didn’t do our jobs properly, like the pilot who missed the runway upon landing. But, it’s not usually our fault. If the client decides against following my well-intentioned and educated advice on what to do once he walks out the door of my studio, that’s on his shoulders, not mine. I also think one needs to think on one’s feet, as it were, when it comes to treatment, and that might conflict with your “consistency” model. If Plan “A” is not working, after, say, four or five visits on my table, I might very well mix it up with another approach, taking a different kinetic path to the problem area.

  2. Pingback: A Letter To Athletic Trainers | Athletic Medicine

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